Serving our valued customers since 1984, Lim Soon Poh started as a humble operation at Block 347 Jurong East. Providing quality foodstuff and sundry goods directly to the residents and the market stall-holders in the vicinity, we expanded its operations and moved to Block 346 in 1988.
Building on the direct-sales model, we have been providing value and quality throughout our years in operation. we continued to expand and moved to the former Clementi Warehouse in 1996. Currently, Lim Soon Poh Trading is an established operation with our main office at the Enterprise Warehouse Centre at Bukit Batok Crescent.
Throughout the years of expanding our operations, we cherish and value our loyal customers who are in the restaurants, hawker, cafe, provision and grocery shops businesses. By dealing directly with us, we hope to continue providing the best value and service to our valued customers, growing our businesses together.